"Only hard work is not sufficient. Blessings of Shree Sai are also required. Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "Do not follow wrong ways. Remember Shree Saibaba. He will appear in your dream and will show the right way.", "Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "Remember what has happened two years ago. Remember Shree Sai.", "Give up discrimination wait Shree Sai’s miracle is beyond human imagination.", "You are tired of troubles isn’t it? Remember Shree Sai. You are fortunate. Everything will be alright.", "Something decided two years ago will come true now. That day is coming near Remember Shree Sai.", "Shree Saibaba will take on to himself your vexation and sorrows and you will be happy. You will have a dream. Remember Shree Sai.", "Time has come near. Remember Shree Sai.", "Do not discriminate. Donate food. Give home-made Bhakari (made of rice) to the dog. The desired thing will happen Shree Sai’s blessings are also there.", "It is better that you do not know everything. Presume that Shree Saibaba has arranged these things and remember Shree Sai.", "Donate in the name of Shree Saibaba. Then you will not face a shortage of anything in life.", "Presume that what happens is only because of Shree Sai’s blessings. Human intellect cannot know that.", "Man is helpless before destiny. Accept this and just keep quiet. Remember Shree Sai.", "The thing that has been discussed among friends two years ago will happen. Donate. Read Ramayana or at least have darshan of Lord Rama.", "Preparations will go on for three days; then the work will be done. Miracles of Saints are beyond the imagination of human beings.", "Read the book ‘Ramvijaya’ for fourteen days. Something different is going to happen through you. Do not pay attention to good/bad time.", "Remember Shree Sai. Time has come.", "It is due to the limitation of our vision we feel that the sun is affected during a solar eclipse. Actually the sun is not affected. Remember Shree Sai and act thoughtfully.", "As is the faith in mind so is the result.", "Remember Shree Sai. All things are not within human capacities.", "Remember Shree Sai for getting rid of anxiety.", "Remember Shree Sai. Find out the cause of worry. You will know the value of the things in your possession.", "Give up egoistic behavior. Surrender to Shree Sai. Everything will be alright.", "Offer a coconut to Baba and pray from the bottom of your heart. Your work pending for a long time will be done immediately. A friend will help you.", "Offer a coconut to Baba. Work will be done in a year from today. Donate Rupees 500 after completion of work.", "Remember Shree Sai. Success will be gained and you will celebrate.", "Remember Shree Sai. You will get a result as per your faith.", "Heaven and hell are here only knowing this behave properly. Do not stop remembering Shree Sai.", "Give up worry. Remember Shree Sai.", "Give up pride. Remember Shree Sai.", "Keep faith and wait.", "Remember Shree Sai. You will always experience the effect of blessings of Shree Saibaba. Do not worry.", "Remember Shree Sai. There will be no worry.", "Read Shree Saibaba’s Pothi (Shree Sai Satcharita). Everything will happen as desired.", "You will get success through the blessings of Shree Sai. Pray. Continue prayer and worship.", "Success will be gained and a festival will be celebrated.", "Pray and worship. Joy will be everywhere.", "You are very fortunate. Remember Shree Sai.", "This time will not come again. You are fortunate.", "Everybody loves and serves in a different style. You will get results as per your faith.", "Though you have to make a lot of efforts you will gain importance definitely. Very few people are so fortunate.", "Give importance to others. Respect their age. Success will be gained. Goodwill of good deeds is with you.", "Remember Guru (Preceptor). Everything will happen as desired.", "Good deeds of past life will prove fruitful. Remember Shree Sai then everything will be right.", "Donate food. Everything will be alright.", "Donate food. Everything will be alright.", "Donate food. Everything will be alright.", "Do today’s work tomorrow. Donate food. Blessings of Shree Sai are with you. An ordinary man will come forward and do your work.", "Keep proper accounts and spend properly then there will be no room for criticize by anybody. Baba knows that you are working hard for others.", "Shree Saibaba never discriminated. Then why do you? Donate food and see the miracle that takes place.", "Exhibition of conduct thought and chanting is not useful. Love is required. Shree Sai’s favor is also there. Do not worry.", "Don’t be suspicious. Remember Shree Sai. Plenty will be gained. It will be more than sufficient. However love is required for this.", "Do not have a thousand doubts for small matters. Remember Shree Sai. How can you afford to forget Saibaba?", "You cannot hide anything from Saibaba. Go to a temple of Lord Datta. Worry will end. Success will be gained.", "Donate food. You will have the blessings of Shree Sai.", "Donate food. You will have the blessings of Shree Sai.", "Offer buttermilk to Shree Saibaba and then donate it and see the miracle that happens. This time will not come again. Only remembrance will be there.", "Remember Shree Sai. Everything will be alright.", "A good opportunity has come. People will come from outstation. This is happening because you are fortunate. Do not give up remembering Shree Sai.", "Good days will come and you will be happy.", "Do not worry. Shree Saibaba is with you. Read the 4th chapter of ‘Bhagavat Geeta’ (A religious book of Hindus).", "Remember Shree Sai. All problems will be solved automatically.", "As moss is removed clean water will be visible. Similarly ignorance will be removed and you will get knowledge. Have faith in Shree Sai.", "Give up pride. Remember Shree Sai. You will not be conscious of happiness and sorrow. Shree Saibaba’s blessings will be there.", "Make use of intellect then only your deal will be successful. Control your mind using intellect. Then you will get success.", "You are very affectionate but cannot tolerate insult. Remember Shree Sai. Shree Saibaba will help you in every way.", "Thing will not happen if you say I do it. Say that all happens through the Blessings of Shree Sai then you will get success.", "You will have a big achievement. Shree Sai’s blessings are also there.", "Two persons will come close to each other; a big thing will happen soon.", "Good things will happen but understand that it’s due to the blessings of Shree Sainath.", "Man thinks something but God thinks otherwise. If you do not want such a thing to happen do not give up remembering Shree Sai whatsoever may be the calamity.", "Worship the photo of Shree Saibaba at home and see the miracle that happens.", "Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "Donate food. In the memory of Shree Sai offer one rupee to a Fakir (Muslim saint) then things will happen as desired. What are you searching for? Shree Saibaba is with you.", "Remembering Shree Sai donate Rupees Ten. Things will happen as desired. Your friend will help you.", "Your work will be done on Guru Purnima day (full moon day dedicated to Guru in the month of July). Give up the idea of curtailing your expenditure. Anticipated expenditure will be incurred anyway. Donate remembering Shree Sai.", "Blessings of Shree Saibaba are with you. Donate. You will be free from debt. Your desire will be fulfilled.", "You want the thing to happen but are unwilling to donate. Donate remembering Shree Sai then you will benefit ten times.", "Apply Vibhuti to the forehead. Keep faith in Shree Saibaba then all will happen as desired.", "Do not discriminate. Guests will come. All problems will be solved.", "Many attempts have been made yet there is no success. Therefore go to Shirdi and see Shree Sai then it will be alright.", "Apply Vibhuti remembering Shree Sai. Work will be done in eight days. Shree Saibaba knows your situation.", "Remember Shree Sai. Your work will be done. Relatives and friends will inquire about you.", "You do not have faith in Shree Saibaba. See what happens by having faith. All your work will be done and you will get a promotion.", "Are you tired of life? You have suffered a lot. Now remember Shree Sai and everything will be alright.", "Remember Shree Sai. After ten days you will be free from worry and gain success.", "Somebody will do something by accident and you will be free from worry. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will not know the power of Shree Saibaba’s blessings. Your work will be done through an ordinary person.", "Work will be done after ten days. You will meet seven persons. You will be free from disease.", "Tell your worries to Shree Sai from the bottom of your heart. Do not worry. Apply Vibhuti to your forehead. You will be free from worry tomorrow morning.", "Everything will be alright due to the blessings of Shree Sai.", "Remember Shree Sai and changes will take place. You will be free from worry.", "Remember Shree Sai and changes will take place. You will be free from worry.", "Go to Shirdi or at least remember Shree Sai. Apply Vibhuti to your forehead. You will be free from calamity.", "Due to analytical thinking you have no faith in religious things. But believe in Shree Saibaba and see what happens.", "There is no calamity like pride. Remember Shree Sai give up pride and see what happens.", "Enemies will surrender. Unusual things will happen easily. Only have firm faith in Shree Saibaba.", "You will not get results by imposing conditions and being inquisitive. You will have to leave them. Work will be completed with the help of a friend on Sunday and you will be happy.", "Clouds of calamities will disappear. Donate Rupees 17 in the name of Shree Saibaba and see the miracle that takes place. A friend will assist you.", "You will be saved from death. Accept this as the blessings of Shree Sai. Donate food. See the miracles that are taking place at home.", "Baba wants your love and not your wealth. Your work will be done through two friends.", "Offer grapes to Shree Sai then your desires will be fulfilled. Friends are very much inquisitive but they will calm down.", "Wish will be fulfilled and you will be convinced of the holiness of Shree Sai.", "Control your mind which is wandering. Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "Donate Rupees 15 in the name of Shree Saibaba. Shree Sai does not take anything free you will be profited ten times.", "Cleverness will not be of any use. Surrender to Shree Sai. All things will happen as desired. Baba is there to give you tenfold.", "All is happening only due to the blessings of Shree Saibaba. Remember Shree Sai then the desired thing will happen.", "Offer a garland of flowers to Baba on Thursday your worry of a long time will be removed. Keep Vibhuti beneath the pillow while sleeping and see.", "Donate onion and home-made bhakari (made of rice) in the name of Baba. Visit the temple of Lord Gopal Krishna then all things will happen as desired.", "Keep faith in Shree Saibaba your reputation will be guarded. Do not worry.", "Donate milk in the name of Shree Saibaba. You will overcome all calamities. Success will be gained.", "Worries will be removed. You are feeling uncomfortable for no reason. Remember Shree Sai. Shree Saibaba is with you.", "Do not indulge in useless guesswork and analysis. Have faith in Shree Saibaba and your work will be done.", "Work will be completed by happening of a miraculous event. You require only the blessings of Shree Sai and you will get it.", "Do not have doubts in your mind. Donate Rupees 15 in the name of Shree Saibaba. Success will be gained. You will suffer a loss if you donate with doubt in the mind.", "Shree Saibaba has given you ample. But you have forgotten. Donate Rupees 15 immediately and then see.", "You will find the way after 15 days. Till then be away from your favorite thing/article.", "Donate Rupees fifteen then everything will be alright.", "Things cannot be done through money alone. Love is necessary. Remember Shree Sai.", "Your work will be done through meeting somebody. You will be free from worry.", "Shree Saibaba has formerly done your work but you have forgotten hence you are facing difficulties. Still you will get success through a friend’s help. Remember Shree Sai.", "Shree Saibaba is everywhere. Only you should learn to recognize him. Work will be done with the help of somebody.", "Work pending for many years will be completed. Go to Shirdi have Darshan of Shree Sai.", "Shree Saibaba belongs to all. Then how do you ask for success to you alone? Offer a coconut and scented stick (agarbatti) to him Shree Saibaba will fulfill your wish.", "Keep your mind steady. Worship of Goddess will be useful. Do not take the wrong decision. Ten days will be wasted. Remember Shree Sai. You will get success.", "Meet Shree Saibaba at Shirdi everything will be alright.", "Two vows are to be fulfilled by you. By fulfilling them Goddess and Shree Sainath will be pleased.", "Visit the Temple of a Goddess. A person coming from a long distance will complete your work.", "Work pending for a long time will be completed. Remember Shree Sai. There will be happiness everywhere.", "Shree Saibaba is remembering you. Go to Shirdi. There will be happiness everywhere.", "Go to Shirdi and see Shree Saibaba. Your wish will be fulfilled.", "Work will be completed as desired. Remember Shree Sai.", "Baba cares for all. You only chant his name.", "Do not ask something when you are thinking something else. Shree Sai wants your total devotion.", "Baba knows very well what is in your mind and what you are pretending. Be humble to Shree Sai everything will be alright.", "Remember Shree Sai for three weeks then all things will happen as desired.", "Follow the law. Whatever happens is for good.", "You will get a chance to travel. Though you are fed up with material life Baba has something else in his mind.", "Baba’s blessings are with you. You will get a chance to travel.", "Work will be done after meeting an unknown person. You will be surprised.", "Works will be done unexpectedly. You will travel.", "Work will be done by three persons. You will be surprised.", "Remember Shree Sai. Life will be meaningful. This will happen due to your good deeds in the previous life.", "Presume that whatever is happening is due to the blessings of Shree Sai and wait.", "Presume that whatever is happening is because of the debt incurred by you in the past life and do not regret.", "Doubts will be cleared. Remember Shree Sai for three days.", "Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "People will express different opinions. You remember Shree Sai and act.", "Seek guidance from proper persons. Do not run around unnecessarily. Faith will be more useful than bookish knowledge.", "Ordinary will be more helpful than the rich. The wish will be fulfilled. Remember Shree Sai.", "Do not worry about petty troubles. Shree Sainath’s blessings are with you. You will get something unique.", "Do not follow bad people. Remember Shree Sai. You will find the path. The wish will be fulfilled.", "Surrender to Shree Saibaba forgetting your pride. Four persons will help you.", "Many people will come to meet you. The desire in the mind will be fulfilled.", "Donate food. Give up obstinacy. Shree Saibaba knows everything. Things will be alright at the proper time.", "Donate food. Your work will be done on the occasion of ‘Holi’ (in the month of April). Know that God is everywhere.", "You will get double returns compared to others. You will get cloth and money. Keep in mind that whatever is given by god is inexhaustible.", "Keep in mind that one is rewarded as per his deeds.", "You will have the company of a saint. Work will be completed.", "Help the needy and poor then your work will be done. Pray for the work done.", "Keep faith in Baba. If you get the ‘vibhuti’ of Baba apply it. You will not be short of anything in life.", "Apply the vibhuti of Baba to your forehead and all work will happen as desired.", "Have faith in Baba. You will get a great experience from small things. Blessings of Shree Saibaba are there.", "Apply the vibhuti of Baba to your forehead then desired things will happen.", "Shree Sainath knows your difficulty. Work will be completed by the person coming from an outstation. Be humble to Shree Sai.", "Work will be completed by a person coming from an outstation. Do not worry.", "Everything will be alright. You will travel. Anxiety worry will be over.", "Donate one rupee and fourteen annas. Do not worry. Within 18 hours your work will be done. You will get help from somebody. Give up discrimination.", "Recite the prayer (arti) of Shree Saibaba. You will be free from worry after a person from outstation arrives. There will be happiness everywhere.", "Work will start from tomorrow. It will be completed in 8 days.", "Wisdom will come through experience. You will experience the effect of the blessings of Shree Saibaba.", "Work thought of four years back will be completed. Things will happen as desired. Blessings of Shree Sai will be there.", "See what happens in your house after two days. Worship in front of the photo of Shree Sai.", "You will get returns as per your right position service love and devotion. Make a proper choice of things.", "The owner will get his things back. Knowledge will be useful.", "Work will be done by a group of persons coming together. Remember Shree Sai regularly and you will get everything.", "Work will be over shortly. Recite Vishnusahasranama (thousand names of Lord Vishnu).", "Chant the name of Shree Sai. On chanting 1200 times you will get a good experience. Desired things will happen.", "Good deeds of forefathers will be useful.", "Pray to Shree Sai to avoid an event that leads to quarrel then everything will be alright.", "Quarrel will be settled. If you keep your mind cool you will be benefited ten times.", "Work will be done with the help of two educated persons. You will get profits beyond expectations.", "Male/female will be benefitted by the company of a saint for four months and seven months respectively. Your humbleness is appreciable.", "You have support of past good deeds. Only donate food then everything will happen as desired.", "Your fate is great. Remember Shree Sai. People will be surprised.", "If you say that things are happening through the blessings of Shree Saibaba you will succeed in your work. If you say I do it then you will fail.", "Surrender to Shree Sai. You will observe that day-by-day new miracles happen. Expectations will be fulfilled.", "Give up thoughts of the past and future (think of the present only).", "You will see Shree Sainath in your dream. Donate food. Give up drinking liquor and all your work will be done.", "Your good fortune is near. Go to Shirdi. Work will be done before Christmas.", "What you have seen in a dream will come true. Have patience for 2/3 months. God likes your devotion only. Watch carefully what happens at 9 o’clock at night.", "You will travel. Work will be done with the help of a friend. Success will be achieved. Do not ask doubt. You have forgotten the things you were to offer to God.", "Shree Sai will help you even when you do not expect it. Be humble to Shree Sai. Things will happen as desired.", "Think for yourself and see with your own eyes how unfathomable are the blessings of Shree Sai. Your wish will be fulfilled. But is it not true that you are suspicious?", "Do not have doubts. Offer a little sheera (made of rava and sugar) to Shree Saibaba and your work will be done.", "Your work will be done through friends. Go to Shirdi and have darshan of Saibaba.", "Don’t be hasty. Things will happen as desired. Donate khichdi (made of boiled rice and dal) to poor people in the name of Shree Saibaba.", "Donate Khichadi (made of boiled rice and dal) and your work will be done immediately. All problems will be solved after meeting a Gujarati person.", "Do not discriminate. You will be in trouble. Remember Shree Sai.", "Offer Belpatra (leaves of a tree sacred to Lord Shiva) to Lord Shiva instead of Shree Saibaba and work will be done as desired. Troubles will disappear.", "Worship Lord Khandoba and everything will be alright. Offer water to Shree Saibaba. Work will be done on the day of Makar Sankranti (14th January).", "Offer water to Shree Saibaba on the day of Makar Sankranti (14th January) and work will be done as desired.", "Worship the photo of Shree Saibaba. Work as desired will happen.", "Work will be done by people coming from an outstation. Worship Lord Shiva. It will reach Shree Saibaba.", "Soon a letter will come and your work will be done. Worship Lord Ganapati and Lord Shiva. Remember Shree Sai.", "Dreams will come true.", "You will be famous. People from outstation will come to see you. Donate and your work will be done.", "Work will be completed through a young girl. When the girl’s desire is fulfilled your desire will also be fulfilled. Everybody wants money.", "Pray to Lord Ram. Give up lust for money. You will be benefitted to the extent of your love.", "See Shree Saibaba in the form of Shree Ram. You will be happy. Do not pay attention to what people discuss.", "Remember Shree Sai then you will be free from all trouble. Whatever is happening is only because of your past deeds.", "Do not have a prejudiced mind. Remember Shree Saibaba give up all discrimination then everything will be alright. Discrimination is the main cause of your problem.", "Distribute barfi (a sweet) worth rupees two in the name of Shree Saibaba then you will be benefitted a lot. All worries will be over. You will recover from disease.", "Wishes will be fulfilled.", "Do not worry if the future is not good. Shree Saibaba’s blessings are with you. Success will be gained.", "A friend will come with good news. You will be free from worries.", "You will be free from monetary problems. You have support from superiors.", "Do not forget Shree Sainath you will get 110 where 100 is expected.", "Donate food then desired things will happen. You will get a dream. A friend will come to your help.", "Remember the blessings of Baba. Do your work yourself and not through a friend. Baba is observing you.", "Do not donate with expectations in mind. Donate rupees 25 in the name of Baba and see what happens.", "Don’t do anything with doubt. Expenditure will increase. Remember Shree Sai.", "Surrender yourself to Shree Saibaba then all things will happen as desired.", "Do not indulge in arguments and imaginations. Remember Shree Sai humbly then all things will be alright.", "Do not be afraid of calamity and sickness. Go to Lord Shiva’s temple and pray then you will feel alright.", "There is a danger of unexpected death. Let one night pass. Do not sleep at night. Remain awake then you will be free from calamity and get success.", "Calamities will come from all directions. Do not worry. Remember Shree Sai.", "Do not worry. Though you have trespassed the law a little still Baba is with you. You will get success in work.", "Do only whatever is possible. Be satisfied. Have faith that God is with you.", "Surrender to Shree Sai knowing that you are in a difficult situation. Your status in society will land you in trouble.", "Do not get angry while taking meals. Work will be done through the guidance of a person coming to your house. Donate food of Rs. 50/- then you will succeed in all matters.", "Act as per orders of the preceptor. This is a testing time. You will be saved from a very difficult situation.", "Obey the order of the preceptor. Time is difficult. Keep faith in Shree Sai you will be free from calamity.", "Time is bad. Remember Shree Sai then you will come out successfully from difficult situations.", "Death will be avoided. Remember Shree Sai.", "Observe the order of the preceptor. Remember Shree Sai you will get success.", "The miracles of Shree Sai are unfathomable you will be convinced about it.", "Do your work presuming that Shree Saibaba knows everything.", "An incident will happen on Sunday afternoon. Even if you hide anything it will be disclosed. You will get success by remembering Shree Sai.", "Take your share after proportionate distribution otherwise people will laugh at you.", "Surrender in full to God then everything will be alright.", "Give up discrimination. If you devote with a pure mind things will happen as you desire.", "You alone can’t complete the work. Take the help of two persons. Treat all equally then you will get success.", "Give up bluffing and misbehavior. Devote to Lord Krishna. Donate food. Then all things will happen automatically. Gain will be through a woman.", "Presume that you are in the company of a hot-tempered person. Behave truthfully. Remember Shree Sai then you will get success.", "Your service is great but people take it in the wrong way.", "Act with love instead of anger. Shree Saibaba is with you. Soon you will get success.", "Trouble will be unbearable. You will be free from the calamity to the extent you love Shree Sai.", "Worries will end.", "There are blessings of God remember Shree Sai. You will get success.", "Your work will be completed on the birthday of Lord Rama (in the month of April). The thing which you have waited for years will now happen.", "You will get a letter from a friend. Remember Shree Sai. Keep away from the gambling business. Take a decision tomorrow after 6 p.m.", "There is a difference between what we see and hear. Act watchfully. Keep away from the gambling business. Do not trust any letter. Accept the situation as it is.", "As a mother knows what is good and bad so does Shree Saibaba. Be satisfied with whatever you have. Otherwise you will suffer a loss.", "Baba does not want anything from you except devotion. Do not be deceived by false news. You will gain through liquid things.", "You will be saved from loss. Remember Shree Sai. A gift will come from the Southern direction. You will have good news. Donate food.", "Everybody will get what he belongs. If anybody else tries to grab it he will die. You will be happy. Very soon a son/daughter will be born.", "You have to do your duty. Friends and relatives will not help you. Blessings of Shree Sai are with you. Do not worry.", "Give up fickleness of mind and go for darshan of Shree Sai. Everything will be alright. Two persons will come to meet you. You will recover from sickness.", "Ignorance will vanish. Act thoughtfully. You will come to know about your profit and loss. Remember Shree Sai.", "Presume that everything happens only through the blessings of God.", "Work with firm determination then you will succeed. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will travel. Act as per advice of a friend. Don’t go ahead with a prejudiced mind otherwise you will suffer. See what happens at 11.00 O’Clock tomorrow. Remember Shree Sai.", "Have patience. You will get success after overcoming the calamity.", "Do not bring doubts in your mind. You will gain three things through the blessings of Shree Sai.", "Keep in mind your mother’s advice. You will get benefit from two things of your father.", "You will gain in the future by recollecting old things. Remember Shree Sai.", "Do not get tired of problems. Keep faith in Shree Saibaba. You will find a way. Read the Pothi of Akkalkot Swami (A book written on Akkalkot Swami’s life).", "Presume that your present suffering is due to your past deeds. Do not get tired of problems. Do not get tired of problems. Remember Shree Sai and you will succeed.", "Your ancestors used to worship Akkalkot Swami. Follow their path and you will get happiness and success. Shree Saibaba’s blessings are there.", "Shree Sai’s blessings are there. Work will be done as desired. Surrender to your preceptor (Guru).", "People will come from outstation. Due to that your work will be done. Unforeseen events will happen suddenly.", "Ignore bad things and look for good qualities. Chant the name of Rama. Remember Shree Sai then things will happen as desired.", "Don’t speak badly about others then the disease of the stomach will stop. Works will be done after a few days.", "Do not waste time finding faults with others. Surrender to Shree Sai then work will be done. Keep in mind that jaggery is always sweet.", "Do religious things according to your wish. It will reach Saibaba. You will get guidance in a dream. Shree Sai’s blessings are with you.", "Have faith and wait then work will be done. You will recover from sickness. Don’t resort to wrong ways.", "Don’t get the work done free of cost from anybody. You owe two rupees. Donate it and then your doubt will be cleared.", "Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "Apply Vibhuti (ashes of holy fire in Shirdi) to your forehead. Everything will be right.", "Important pending work will be completed through an ordinary man. Do not worry. You will travel.", "You will travel. You will meet a saint. Very soon the problem will be solved.", "Work pending for many days will be easily done through ordinary persons. You will travel.", "Do not consider anybody inferior. Work will be completed through an ordinary person.", "An ordinary person will answer your question and you will be surprised. Doubt will be cleared.", "Donate an orange-colored saree to a poor woman then your desire will be fulfilled.", "Desire will be fulfilled through God’s blessings. Doubt will be cleared. Donate cloth.", "Work will be completed unexpectedly don’t have discriminatory ideas.", "Shree Saibaba is present everywhere and you will realize the same. Do not worry. Have faith then you will succeed.", "Day will dawn ending the night. Have faith in Shree Saibaba. Donate. Very soon work will be completed. You will get satisfaction.", "Though the present time is bad very soon you will meet a saint and all worries will vanish. Have faith.", "A lot of money will be spent. Honor and fame will be gained. You will be exhausted due to responsibility. Have faith in Shree Saibaba.", "Do not reject anything because it is small. Accept it you will be guided by somebody. The desired thing in the mind will be fulfilled. Worry will end.", "You will travel. Don’t worry though you have to take physical efforts. Work as desired will be done. You will see that things happened earlier are repeating again.", "Fortune is good. Work will be done by meeting persons.", "A problem in the mind will be solved by a person close to you and then you will get mental peace.", "Donate then desired work will be done.", "Don’t speak bad about others then you will get success.", "Have faith in Shree Saibaba. Calamity will be resolved.", "Remember Shree Sai then darkness will vanish. You will get success.", "Keep faith. Work will be done during the period from the day after the new moon day to the full moon day. Shocking things will happen.", "Meet Shree Saibaba then your work will be completed. Give up pride.", "Go to Shirdi visit dwarakamai all worries will end there and success will be achieved.", "You will get help from a friend and work will be completed. Blessings of Shree Sai are also there.", "Do not bring doubt in your mind otherwise you will suffer a loss. Keep faith in Shree Saibaba. Take a friend along with you then everything will be done.", "Due to a friend you will be freed from calamity. Keep faith in Shree Sai.", "You will be free from calamity. You will get co-operation from many. You will be convinced of the unfathomable miracle of Shree Sai.", "Calamity will be cleared automatically. You will get success in work.", "Remember Shree Sai then you will recover from disease get success. You will feel that these calamities have come due to forgetting Shree Sai.", "Work as desired will be done after nine months. Remember Shree Sai.", "Without your fault calamity has come to you. It is known to Shree Sai surrender to him then it will end.", "Calamity which has come without your fault will end. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will be free from calamity. Sai Baba knows everything.", "Vicious/wicked people are around you. Talk nicely with them but keep yourself away from them.", "Thing which has not happened for a long time will take place. Read Ramayana.", "Do not doubt. Read Ramayana. With another person’s help your calamity will be removed and success in work will be gained.", "Arguments will increase controversy. Keep faith the calamity which has come will go away.", "Give up arguments. Keep faith and wait. Very soon good days will come. God has control of good and bad.", "Believe in Shree Sai. You will be free from calamity. Unexpected death will be avoided.", "Give up egoism. Surrender to God then everything will be right.", "Do what you are capable of. Do not test others otherwise you will be deceived. Surrender to Shree Sai without doubting then all work will be done right.", "Do not be trapped in the false ideas of happiness. Find the way out. Remember Shree Sai then you will get true happiness.", "Ignore bad things and look for good qualities. Chant the name of Rama. Remember Shree Sai then thing will happen as desired.", "Don’t speak bad about others then the disease of the stomach will stop. Works will be done after a few days.", "Do not waste time in finding faults with others. Surrender to Shree Sai then work will be done. Keep in mind that jaggery is always sweet.", "Do religious things according to your wish. It will reach Saibaba. You will get guidance in a dream. Shree Sai’s blessings are with you.", "Have faith and wait then work will be done. You will recover from sickness. Don’t resort to wrong ways.", "Don’t get the work done free of cost from anybody. You owe two rupees. Donate it and then your doubt will be cleared.", "Remember Shree Sai then everything will be alright.", "Apply Vibhuti (ashes of holy fire in Shirdi) to your forehead. Everything will be right.", "Important pending work will be completed through an ordinary man. Do not worry. You will travel.", "You will travel. You will meet a saint. Very soon the problem will be solved.", "Work pending for many days will be easily done through ordinary persons. You will travel.", "Do not consider anybody inferior. Work will be completed through an ordinary person.", "An ordinary person will answer your question and you will be surprised. Doubt will be cleared.", "Donate an orange-coloured saree to a poor woman then your desire will be fulfilled.", "Desire will be fulfilled through God’s blessings. Doubt will be cleared. Donate cloth.", "Work will be completed unexpectedly don’t have discriminatory ideas.", "Shree Saibaba is present everywhere and you will realize the same. Do not worry. Have faith then you will succeed.", "Day will dawn ending the night. Have faith in Shree Saibaba. Donate. Very soon work will be completed. You will get satisfaction.", "Though the present time is bad very soon you will meet a saint and all worries will vanish. Have faith.", "A lot of money will be spent. Honor and fame will be gained. You will be exhausted due to responsibility. Have faith in Shree Saibaba.", "You will meet guide. Go from south to north. Good days will come. You will meet a saint.", "Do not reject anything because it is small. Accept it you will be guided by somebody. The desired thing in the mind will be fulfilled. Worry will end.", "You will travel. Don’t worry though you have to take physical efforts. Work as desired will be done. You will see that things happened earlier are repeating again.", "Fortune is good. Work will be done by meeting persons.", "A problem in the mind will be solved by a person close to you and then you will get mental peace.", "Donate then desired work will be done.", "Don’t speak bad about others then you will get success.", "Have faith in Shree Saibaba. Calamity will be resolved.", "Remember Shree Sai then darkness will vanish. You will get success.", "Keep faith. Work will be done during the period from the day after the new moon day to the full moon day. Shocking things will happen.", "Meet Shree Saibaba then your work will be completed. Give up pride.", "Go to Shirdi visit dwarakamai all worries will end there and success will be achieved.", "You will get help from a friend and work will be completed. Blessings of Shree Sai are also there.", "Do not bring doubt in your mind otherwise you will suffer a loss. Keep faith in Shree Saibaba. Take a friend along with you then everything will be done.", "Due to a friend you will be freed from calamity. Keep faith in Shree Sai.", "You will be free from calamity. You will get co-operation from many. You will be convinced of the unfathomable miracle of Shree Sai.", "Calamity will be cleared automatically. You will get success in work.", "Remember Shree Sai then you will recover from disease get success. You will feel that these calamities have come due to forgetting Shree Sai.", "Work as desired will be done after nine months. Remember Shree Sai.", "Without your fault calamity has come to you. It is known to Shree Sai surrender to him then it will end.", "Calamity which has come without your fault will end. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will be free from calamity. Sai Baba knows everything.", "Vicious/wicked people are around you. Talk nicely with them but keep yourself away from them.", "Thing which has not happened for a long time will take place. Read Ramayana.", "Do not doubt. Read Ramayana. With another person’s help your calamity will be removed and success in work will be gained.", "Arguments will increase controversy. Keep faith the calamity which has come will go away.", "Give up arguments. Keep faith and wait. Very soon good days will come. God has control of good and bad.", "Believe in Shree Sai. You will be free from calamity. Unexpected death will be avoided.", "Give up egoism. Surrender to God then everything will be right.", "Do what you are capable of. Do not test others otherwise you will be deceived. Surrender to Shree Sai without doubting then all work will be done right.", "Do not be trapped in the false ideas of happiness. Find the way out. Remember Shree Sai then you will get true happiness.", "You will see your favorite God in a dream it will strengthen your belief. Do not differentiate your work will be done immediately.", "Surprising events will take place. You will get mental peace. You will recover from sickness. Land matters will be settled. You will succeed.", "Even though you do not believe in God without miracles keep faith in Lord Rama be humble before him. You will meet a saint. Gain of success.", "Have faith after many day you will meet again. After four days from the day of asking the question your work will be done. The celebration will go on for 15 days. Do not discriminate.", "Your old worries will be over. You will recover from disease. Make your mind steady. You will have darshan of Lord Rama.", "Do chants “Sai” “Sai” sins will vanish and you will celebrate.", "You will be very busy with work. You will not get free time still remember Shree Sai and you will get success. A sick person will recover.", "You will be happy but sickness is there. Do not forget remembering Shree Sai.", "If you are tired due to sickness and worries remember Shree Sai you will recover.", "You will be free from calamity and disease. Go to Shirdi you succeed immediately.", "Do not worry. You will be free from worries in two days. Donate food.", "Feed a black dog then your work will be done immediately. The sign of confirmation is that you will meet a tailor. You will be free from disease.", "You will be free from disease. You will meet people from Poona. Desired work will be completed.", "Days are full of trouble work will be completed in eight days.", "You will not be in good health. Work in your house will be completed. The surrounding will not be normal. Remember Shree Sai.", "The work pending for years will be unexpectedly completed. All will be surprised. Gain of success. Donate food.", "Apply vibhuti (ashes from a holy place in Shirdi) of Baba to your forehead. All calamities will be over. The wish in the mind will be fulfilled. A bad period is still there.", "You will get a dream. In the dream you will see elders act accordingly.", "You will be free from disease. In one month you will be freed from all worries. Surrender to Shree Sai.", "You will meet relatives. Adopt new habits. In the house a baby will be born. You will be satisfied.", "You will prosper. Donate food.", "Remember Shree Sai. You will have a happy family life and your desire will be fulfilled.", "Donate food your wish will be fulfilled and you will get happiness. Get rid of idleness and do not be gloomy.", "Do not consider yourself as different from others. Follow the path of truth. You will be happy.", "You will feel bad due to false charges still remember Shree Sai. The mind will be disturbed. You will worry about your children.", "You are worried. If you are worried all the time surrender to Shree Saibaba. Donate food. Due to it worry will be removed and you will get a chance of going to Shirdi. Friends will help you.", "Donate. Thereby your work will be done immediately.", "Do not bring doubt in your mind. Donate and your wish will be fulfilled.", "Tobacco (Beedi – Cigarette) and oil should be offered as a gift for 3 Thursdays then work will be completed.", "Donate as per your ability and you will see that everything will be alright.", "Control yourself. Sacrifice for others. You will gain thereby.", "While asking a question check your pocket. Keep 3 rupees and 14 annas with you and donate the balance money. Then desired will happen. Wait for 44 days. Auspicious period.", "Wish in the mind will be fulfilled.", "Things will take place as desired. You will be happy. You will realize that the one whose blessings are with you and Shree Sainath are the same. You will soon get confirmation for this.", "A boy will be born. Greeting letter or telegram will come. If the work is in Mumbai Thana sector it will be completed.", "You will experience the miracle of Shree Saibaba’s blessings. Your desire will be fulfilled.", "You will have the blessings of the Guru.", "You will get all things if you wait with faith.", "Live a simple life. Worship of Lord Shiva will be useful desired will be fulfilled.", "Give up attraction for costly clothes. Remember Shree Sai. All work at the outstation will be completed.", "You will succeed in Governmental work. You will be selected from thousands of people. You will succeed. Donate sugar-candy.", "Your work will be done definitely. Daily offer a little quantity of sugar to Saibaba and donate it after 21 days.", "Your desire to follow the religious routine will be fulfilled. Gain success. You will get the experience of blessings of Sai.", "Work will be done with the help from the western direction. You will be happy by meeting two persons. You will succeed. The sister will meet.", "You will experience the result of the question shortly. By meeting of two persons work will be completed. Chant the name of Lord Krishna. A Gujarathi man will do the work.", "Answer to the question is with you. Donate five Rupees then you will get satisfaction.", "Shree Sainath will fulfill the desire in your mind and you will be convinced of the same.", "Surrender. Wishes will be fulfilled.", "You have everything. Do not ask a question unnecessarily. Don’t go after things beyond your capacity. Instead surrender to Shree Sai.", "Don’t hesitate to donate Rupees five when you have Rupees two hundred fifty. Otherwise you will be cheated. Donate you will get success.", "Do not be after mantra and tantra. Worship from the bottom of your heart. Shree Saibaba’s, blessings are with you do not discriminate. New things will get shape. A child will be born.," "Serve Guru thereby you will get happiness in life. All difficulties will vanish and you will, succeed.," "You will enjoy beautiful things. Keep company of good people. Thereby you will gain.," "You will lose interest in material life. Remember Shree Sai. Go near sea shore or river you, will gain thereby.," "Your tensions will disappear by remembering your Guru. You will come to know good things, early in the morning.," "You have good nature hence you will have knowledge of all things. Distribute work properly.," Keep one person near you and send the other way.," "Questioneir after asking question should soon offer water thereby he will gain. You will, celebrate.," "In job you will get higher post. If there is problem of house you will go to live in new place.," Good period.," "Do not discriminate. Today or tomorrow if anybody applies Gandha(sandal wood paste) or, Kumkum (red powder used by hindus for applying to forehead) to your forehead allow him to do so.," Immediately your fortunate period will start. You will travel.," "Keep mind cool. Situation will become cool itself. Remember Shree Sai friends will come, from outstation.," "Wait still a few days. Your work will be done with the help of someone else.," "Donate. Otherwise you will not find way. You have not done the religious things planned in, the past perform it at once. Thereby all things will be completed smoothly.," "If you consider yourself superior then you will not succeed. Be humble. You will buy fruits.," More than half the work will be over today. Remember Shree Sai. In the evening there will be a great, change in wheather.," "Difficulties will come. Remember Shree Sai calamities will go away. Success will be gained.," "Baba’s power is all over. Calamity will go away. Remember Shree Sai. You will be saved from, fire.," "Calamities will go away. Surrender to Shree Sai you will meet saintly persons. Father and son, will come to your home. Desired wish will be fulfilled.," "Remember Shree Sai. You will surpass all difficulties. Success is yours.," "Your work will be done only if you have faith. Do not plan big things otherwise you will be in, trouble.," "Works will lag. Remember Shree Sai then on Gokulashtami (on the birthday of Lord Krishna, in the month of August) your work will be completed. You will meet saints you will travel.," "Act as per order. You are needed at your working place start immediately. You will receive a, letter. Pray for blessings of Saibaba otherwise stomachache will not stop.," "You will be relieved guilt free in court matters. Do not worry about sickness. Religious, functions will be performed by you. Remember Shree Sai.," "Your work will be done after amavasya (new moon day). You will travel. Four days will be, required for completion of work. Do not worry.," "Miracle will take place in your life through the blessings of Shree Sai. You will get due, rewards. If it comes true then consider yourself very lucky and surrender to Shree Sai. Success is, there.," "You will succeed as a result of sharing. Blessings of Shree Sai are already there.," "Do not have any doubt in your mind. Donate in the name of Shree Saibaba. Thereby the work, pending for a long time will be completed.," "Services to elders will be helpful. People will meet you. You will be famous. You will travel towards South. You will meet friends. Old memories will revive.", "Take advantage of proper opportunity so that your work will be completed. You may travel. Do not start journey in the morning start after afternoon meals.", "Remember Shree Sai. Act as per instructions of the elders. There is a chance of travel. You will get success.", "You will face difficulties. Remember Shree Sai. Due to it trouble will be over. Take friend with you do not travel alone.", "Bad occasion will be avoided. Remember Shree Sai. Your work will be done through the letter of identification. Act as per advise of elders. Do not be hasty.", "Remember Shree Sai. You will be saved from a difficult situation. There is danger of falling sick.", "Remember Shree Sai. You will get success on donating food. Difficulties will appear.", "Your work will be completed through the help of five women. Donate food. You will experience that you will get quick success by remembering Shree Sai.", "Your mind will be purified by remembering Shree Sai. Saibaba’s blessings are already with you. Good deeds of your father will help you. You will get success.", "You will get the returns of your services. You will gain success. You will travel.", "You will be in the company of saintly persons. You will realize your mistakes. You will get happiness from mother. Due to the blessings of Shree Saibaba there will be happiness everywhere. Donate food.", "Shree Sai’s blessings are already with you. Remember Sai. Letter will come. Give food to the hungry you will succeed immediately.", "Love all forget differences. Keep in mind that everything is known to Sai Baba. Remember Shree Sai success will come automatically to you.", "Your eyes will be full of tears with love. Keep the feeling in the mind that Saibaba knows everything and surrender to him then see what happens in 24 hours.", "Offer sweets to Saibaba and apologies for forgetting. Desired objects will be achieved immediately.", "Shree Saibaba expects your devotion remember him. As soon as you donate food you will get mental peace and your desired work will be completed.", "Remember your preceptor (Guru) all things will happen as desired by you. Work will be over by distribution.", "You will do such a work that people will be surprised. You will get fame and success.", "Keep your mind cool. The circumstances will automatically improve. You will travel. New things will be invented.", "You will come to known an unknown thing. You will become popular. Follow good path and the success will be yours.", "Do not get lost in day dreaming. Follow the path of truth. Don’t loose your self respect. Surrender to Preceptor (Guru). Success will come to you.", "Meditate Shree Sai thereby on the next day morning you will get the results. Shree Saibaba knows everything hence do not worry.", "Be a listener rather than a speaker. There is a chance of visiting Shirdi. There is a chance of getting sweet meals. Time is good.", "Do not test elders. Surrender to them. Do not differentiate between male and female. Act as per the dream. Time is good.", "On Ekadashi (eleventh day from new moon day) of Ashadh and on the birthday of Shree Rama work will be done. You will get ample money on completion of Government work. You will stay at places like Satara Mumbai. You will have a chance of visiting Shirdi.", "You will meet people receive important letters. You will gain on the birthday of Lord Rama and will get ample money and fame.", "You will get a delicious meal. Work pending for long will be completed. You have to complete your work in a day. Period is short. You will occupy a new house.", "There will be obstruction in work. Do not worry. You will get monetary help. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will get honor on completion of work. Work will be completed unexpectedly. You will succeed. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will celebrate a happy occasion. Disputes will be settled.", "Disputes will be settled. Collection of thing will take place.", "All will gain equally.", "You will recover from disease. If you are worshipping Shani (Saturn) Ganapati Maruti continue it. You will get success. You will get money expectedly.", "You will recover from disease. Continue the practice of exercise. You will have a long life. You will get success.", "Social works will be done. You will become healthy. You will get fame. There is a fear of injury to the hand.", "You will be saved from an accident get a letter be happy.", "Efforts will be rewarded. Government work will be done. If you give medicine to a patient you will have ample gain.", "You will be free from fear. Recover from disease humbly and see what happens.", "You will travel. You may visit the temple of Lord Pandurang at Pandharpur. You will succeed. Few persons will come together.", "You will receive a letter. You will celebrate. You will be invited for meals. Apply vibhuti (ashes from the holy fire at Shirdi) of Saibaba to your forehead and see the miracle that takes place.", "A religious function will take place. You will remember the past. You will travel toward the south. A new child will be born.", "Meditate. You will recover from disease. There will be progress in the work in a few days.", "Leave belongingness. Surrender to Shree Sai then things will take place as desired.", "Do tomorrow’s work today. Remember Shree Sai you will get success.", "You will be surprised at happening of an unexpected thing. Remember Shree Sai. Soon you will get wealth.", "Plan proper remedies and you will succeed. Chant the name of Lord Rama. You will meet a saint. An auspicious function will take place. Good time is ahead.", "Do not discriminate. Donate food. You will have immediate gain.", "You will get satisfaction. Donate food. If you feed dogs cats you will have ample gain. You will experience this shortly.", "Children will be benefited. You will succeed. Remember your mother. If you donate food in her name you will have immediate gain. You will get a chance to serve a saint.", "You will have sudden gain of thing which was missing for many days. You will experience the same on Sunday. Visit Khandoba temple. You will gain from trees and land.", "Remember Shree Sai on Thursday and Friday. You will gain thereby. New land deals will take place people will be happy.", "Very soon there is Gurupushyamrut yoga (the day when Jupiter is entering the Pushya Nakshatra). On that day important work will be done. You will be happy. Free from worries in November December. New projects will be undertaken.", "Expenditure will increase but on the birthday of Lord Rama (nineth day of Chaitra – Month) work will be completed. You will succeed get money and fame.", "The work which is pending from the last two months will be completed. You will get back ‘lost thing’. Auspicious function will take place. You will meet saint. Remember Shree Sai.", "Do not increase complications by raising new queries. You will gain through a friend. Very soon an auspicious function will take place. Do not be impatient; Marriage will be arranged among relatives.", "Benefits will start from Sunday. People will come from outstation and will convey good news: Felicitate them. People will recognize your good deeds and you will get fame.", "You will gain from land/water. You have blessings of Shri Akkalkot Swami also. You will succeed. Remember Shree Sai.", "The work held – up for three years will soon be completed. After completion of auspicious function new work will start. You are planning to travel. You will gain. There will be great profit in the month of Shravana (August).", "Avoid physical fighting. You will get success at a distance of a mile from your residence. Remember Shree Sai. You will gain if you take little physical effort.", "You will be benefited through your brother. Work pending for a long time will be completed. An auspicious function will take place. There is a chance of the birth of a baby boy.", "Old things will be repaired. New projects will be undertaken. You will take interest in dance and music. On the day of Diwali there will be a big gain.", "Running projects will be stopped. Do not get disturbed due to it. Remember Shree Sai. Very soon you will get success by getting rid of sorrows.", "There will be allegations. Conquer people with soft speech. Remember Shree Sai sorrows will disappear and you will succeed. You may stay near your village.", "Illusions will disappear You will realize truth and be happy. Do not get angry. Act with control. New things will be obtained.", "Talent will not be sufficient to complete the task. Worship of Lord Hanuman will be helpful. You will be successful through constant work. Studies will progress well.", "Do your work without expectations. Remember Shree Sai then see what happens. You will be happy. You will develop an interest in exercise – Yoga.", "Remember your preceptor (Guru) and be quiet. You will soon get success beyond imagination.", "Work connected with documents will be delayed. Find out the solution yourself ascertaining difficulties. Success is yours. Remember Shree Sai.", "You will get enough food – clothing – money. Shree Sainath cares for your sustenance. Always remember god.", "You will get the company of good people. On the birthday of Lord Rama your work will be completed. Land deal will be completed. An auspicious function will take place through the blessings of Shree Saibaba and cooperation of friends.", "Two new things will bring you happiness. Around the occasion of the birthday of Lord Rama (March – April) you will get success by getting rid of many difficulties. Religious functions will take place.", "You will get the solution on the next day of asking a question. There will be no cause for fear. The day of honor is close. You will get success fame and honor.", "Dispute will arise due to a small error. Urge for blessings of Shree Sai Baba. On the next day of the birth day of Lord Rama work will be completed.", "Auspicious function will take place. Sorrow will vanish. Desired work will be completed.", "You will pass the examination. You will succeed by getting help from the Southern direction.", "You will be happy in life by blessings of parents.", "Vices will be covered virtues will be valued. You may worship Lord Shiva Lord Dattatraya.", "Remember Shree Sainath you will be free from obstacles: Chant the words 'Sai Samarth' which will benefit within 21 days. You may see Lord Shiva in your dream.", "You will meet someone. You will get back the thing lost. You will have a chance of travel.", "Remember your favorite God. Due to it calamity will disappear. Start new work without thinking of any benefit.", "Resort to legal action and get victory over the enemy. If you have faith in Shree Saibaba you will get immediate experience. You will be profited by the distribution of wheat flour.", "People will discuss about you. You will have to take little effort and your sorrow will end with the blessings of Shree Sai.", "Slowly your sorrows will end. You will be freed from difficulties and diseases.", "After surrendering to Shree Sainath immediately you will acquire pleasure. You will have the pleasure of work fulfillment. You will pass the exam. You will get a job.", "Your subconscious mind cannot be recognized be determined. Try yourself and you will get success.", "You will achieve great things. Old things will be more profitable.", "Be careful in day-to-day affairs. You will secure success. Friends' advice will be profitable.", "You will have collection. You will get a new thing. You will gain by donations. You will receive important letters from close people.", "Do not try alone. With the cooperation of others work will be completed. You will get fame.", "Take care of your documents. You will gain thereby. You will get assistance from friends. By giving importance to others you will have big achievements and a chance of traveling.", "Dispute will take place. Devotion to Lord Dattatraya done earlier will be helpful.", "You may fall sick. Meditate. There is a chance of the naming ceremony taking place in the house.", "You may visit religious places with friends. You will get mental peace.", "Your work will be done with the help of people of another religion. Act according to prior intimation. Work will be completed.", "You will visit holy places. Auspicious things will take place. You will gain.", "Avoid controversy. Surrender to Preceptor (Guru).", "Disputes will be settled. You will get back your former glory rights.", "New plans will be drawn. You will gain fame. Mistakes will be realized. You will learn new things. You will succeed.", "Remain calm that is beneficial. Sorrow will end.", "You will succeed beyond imagination. Remember Shree Sai. You will get fame you will be free from worries.", "You will get help from friends. Will recover from disease. Share the work and you will succeed.", "You will opt for writing. Success in work. Will receive help from many persons.", "You will secure success and be free from worries through the blessings of Shree Sai. You will recover from disease.", "You will take an interest in the natural life. You will visit temples with religious persons. Remembrance of Shree Sainath will bring happiness. You will achieve success.", "A child will be born. Worries in life will disappear. Additional work will bring wealth. You will get the blessings of Shree Sai.", "Be away from bad company. Your interest in material life will end. Avoid controversy. You will achieve success.", "If you surrender to Shree Saibaba all worries will vanish and you will achieve success in no time.", "Be humble otherwise nobody will be with you. Control yourself. Avoid physical fighting.", "Be quiet. Remember Shree Sainath. Enemies will disappear.", "Do not differentiate. You will not gain through bad intentions. Remember Shree Sainath and start working. Success is yours.", "You will get a job for survival. It will end into happiness.", "You will succeed in the job. You will experience the greatness of Shree Sainath’s blessings.", "You will succeed if you remember Shree Sai. Your worries will end. You will hear good news.", "One after another tensions will start. Though it is a bad period you will meet a saintly person very soon and you will succeed.", "Reading and writing of religious books will be done. Religious activity will take place and auspicious things will happen.", "You will visit religious places like Shirdi and meet a holy person you will succeed very soon.", "Sree Saibaba knows all things hence surrender to him then he will relieve you from worries and bring success. The desired things will happen in the morning and afternoon.", "Very soon you will have a chance to visit Shirdi and Shree Sai Baba. You will get success.", "You will gain in seven days. Meditate. You will have darshan of Pandurang of Pandharpur believe that Shree Saibaba is there. Experience it.", "You will have darshan of your desired God. You will get an idol or photo of God. Worship it. You will get mental peace wealth and happiness.", "The religious activity carried on by ancestors is stopped. Start it again. Very soon an auspicious function will take place. You will get success. Remember Shree Sai.", "Do not differentiate. You will get something. You will succeed.", "You will gain through a youngster. New introduction will take place. You will see that you will gain on Sunday coming after the day of your question.",